Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yonny Correa solo: Contraformation.

Yhonny Correa (co) was coming during the week before to rehearsal at the gallery space. To be able to dance comfortably he covered the slippery tails floor with sand. His performance Contraformation was a combination of choreographed movements and improvisation. Judit Ruiz, Spanish dancer that works with the Belgium Aan van den broek, assisted him to put together this show. They were inspired by the butterfly. They focus precisely on the transformation that such delicate creature go throughout its life; from the larva to the mug, to the beautiful and free spirited insect.

He performed Contraformation two times; dancing along the song "Con la frente marchita" from the artist Adriana Varela. The reaction of the public was warm. At the end of the show they all clapped with enthusiasm.

The same night the musician Paloma Samper surprised us bringing her guitar and playing for us a few of her self wrote numbers. The title of the song after which she invited Yhonny Correa to dance the second time was Mariposa loca.

In fact that Friday had a complete program: The artist Fienne Platteeuw show one of her black and white experimental films. It’s about 1.50’ m long and filmed in Gent: short but sweet. With this projection we could only get a little taste of her work. We hope to be able to show more of her films before the end of TANGENTS.

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